In business sometimes you get a buyer that just knocks you off your feet. Sometimes in a good way and sometimes not. Fortunately for me, I have not had many Fiverr bad experiences but when I have they have been shocking. I recently did a project that initially I thought to pass on. I took on this last project because I felt maybe I just wasn't being fair. It shouldn't pass perhaps on past experiences or stereotypes or characteristics as I wouldn't want someone to pass on me based on an assumption.
I can usually sift out bad Fiverr buyers but this one got past me. NaomiRichards911 contacted me to sing a song for her. She chose my Supreme Vocals package. My Fiverr seller description for this package states "Lead, Backgrounds, Harmonies, Stacks, Mixing. Buyer provides Melody, Lyrics, and Guide Vocals". She was agreeable to my instructions and ready to get started. She didn't have a lot of questions or instructions. She just wanted to get started. I reached out to her a few days before delivery because I wasn’t sure I was going to beat the clock. I explained to her that I am a performing artist and I had had a couple of engagements since the order had been placed. I further explained I do not like to rush projects but I will do my best to get it to her before the clock runs out. “No problem”, she wrote.
The clock did not stand a chance. Gratefully I beat the clock by a day and I did not rush. I do not believe she knows that I delivered before time ended. My first delivery was a rough reference before I sent it to be mixed. I do this to make sure the buyer and I are on the same page and if there is anything to change I can do that before it is mixed. Thirty-six hours passed, I never heard back from her. When I received the final mix I sent the final mix to her with my watermark underneath, so if there was an issue it can be fixed. I asked her to please let me know when she would like me to send the final wav. file. Still another thirty-six hours passed and I did not hear from her.
Unfortunately for me she finally answered this morning giving me a 3.7-star review. I was certainly blown by this. She gave me 4 stars for communication, 4 stars for service as described and three stars for ordering again. I asked her as you will see below, "What happened?" I really wanted to know. I do not need to argue about my work so that would not have happened however I would have engaged a conversation so I thoroughly understand what seemed to have been wrong. Even if I would not have liked it as I did not like the review I could at least pondered it and perhaps made an improvement.
I write this to let buyers and sellers alike understand it is important to communicate. Buyers and sellers are prohibited from communicating outside of the Fiverr platform and to try will only get the sellers account suspended or removed. So it is important to articulate your needs, wants, and what is expected of the outcome. If there is something you do not find up to par then say so. I thought the song sound great. I will leave a copy here. But she never said anything. She never communicated that she was unhappy with anything.
Here is a little encouragement for all of you Fiverr Best Sellers. I am talking about everyone who has had the courage to offer their services and keep on moving forward no matter what. People will be who they are and some people are predisposed to being quite negative and/or critical. Many times they are not into giving compliments and have decided from the start they are not going to reward you with a good review. Other times they just will not like your work for whatever reason. Do not worry about it. Move on.
What I learned from this, Fiverr bad experience, is to trust my gut. No matter what, if you feel leary about a buyer or a seller, do not work with them. Just pass. It is not worth it.
If she ever answers my question, which she most likely will not, I will post an update.
Here is the song: